From my other blog… www.pagemeyoga.blogger.com            

 I want to start sharing my little experiences of the unique yoga method of concentration power. A simple effortless method to calm your mind and develop self-confidence. Are you a public speaker? I have something very simple and common to yogis, I mean a technique of concentration that could help you face the crowd with confidence and courage. Do you also have high blood pressure? Here is a simple method to help you control your blood pressure. If your problem is sleeplessness, then try this unique and simple effortless yoga practice to get sound sleep.
         If your problem is forgetfulness, here is a method that enhances memory and eliminates speech defects. With this simple practice, you are sure to eliminate wriggles and support proper blood flow to the cells of the retinas which will for sure improve eyesight. Trust me, all you need to do is to calm down read through. Create time to spend more time on each session, you will be able to understand my point. No words can explain the way you will feel after this practice for 40days morning and evening.
      How can you explain the taste of sweets without having a taste of it?
           The power of concentration requires patience, time, attention and silence to be able to understand the importance of concentration in human life. Man in the true sense of living has no other problem troubling him other than the restlessness of his thoughts waves and endocrinological disturbances.   The root cause of our problem is a mindset, our thoughts run in several different conflicting directions, in search of happiness and satisfaction, everyone here is endlessly restless. Our thoughts have vibrations that have the capacity to programme our psyche and alter mode and believe systems. Every vibration as energy has a rhythmical pattern, as the body vibrates, energy is supposed to maintain a steady tempo in vibration. Take for instance your car engine or a generator set.  You can understand this as you watch your breath.
     How many times do you breathe by a minute?  How relaxed is your respiration process? Emotions affect breath. E-MOTION. The "E" stands for Energy, so emotion, {E -MOTION} means energy in actions. Our thoughts form the lines of our "E-motions".  No single man, any single day, generates thoughts free of worries, it shows in our actions from the moment we wake up from bed, hurry to bath, hurry to eat, hurry to work or school, hurry to lunch break, hurry, hurry, there's rush everywhere, so many deadlines, so many stuff to fix, activities always alarming, anxiety and panic attack everywhere. Everyone lives in constant fast racing thoughts every minute of the day. With this in view, there's a constant concentration problem on earth which affects memory, nerves and total wellbeing.
      When the Energies in actions are been driven by negative modes such as stress, anger, anxiety, worries, fear, etc., We definitely lose the rhythmic fine-tuned vibrations that promote mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Every day everyone is worried and ambitious, yes we all have to make it big, but worrying over making it big has no positive impact in making it big, we only end up making mistakes in a hurry, anxieties everywhere, especially in Africa. The body sees anxieties as stress and definitely release stress hormones which for sure will block all energy channels, causing more and more tension.  Calm down, take a pause, watch your breath and try my special concentration power technique.
     Constant practice will naturally build up strong will-power to accomplish goals in life. We hear a lot of motivational speakers talk about the power of the mind, people read their books, fall in love with them and try to practice but it seems to be too unrealistic, because internally your energy centers are blocked. If you concentrate, your spin energy which carries your network of nerves will rewire your nerve channels sending more oxygen-rich fluids to the brain, and this will help your pituitary gland, pineal gland, your third eye point, and even your thyroid will positively feel the impact, with all these and many more put together, one's creative ability and capability enhances so fast. The brain cells also calm giving out that total relaxation mode.

Most people claim they don't have stress, anyway if you experience symptoms like, chest pain, fatigue, change in sex drive, stomach upset, lack of motivation, irritability, anger, overeating or under eating, headache, sleep problem, Anxiety, sadness and depression, muscles tension or pain, restlessness, inability to relax, exercising less often, drug or tobacco use, social withdrawal and many more. Then you most definitely need to take this concentration practice so serious. the root cause of our problem is mind orientation, mentally we always have fears and panic attacks.

                Thought waves or mind energy determines willpower, and willpower is an attractive force. So how do you generate willpower to accomplish goals? The answer is letting go, forget about the past, future and live in the present moment, when that happens, better ideas and solutions to challenges of life manifest within one’s reach. Life is not a chicken business, only the brave survives here, banish all the negative thoughts about disappointments, offences done to you by others and even your own mistakes and offences to others, yes life is just like that like, things sometimes go wrong, and sometimes go right too.
          Though the mind is seen as the root cause of concentration problem then there are other factors too…tiredness can also cause it, which in this particular case rest is the medicine. Most chronic concentration problems are mainly related to emotional stress, Hormonal imbalance, although hormonal imbalance could also be caused by pregnancy or menopause. In our Nigerian context concentration problem is majorly caused by hyperactivity disorder{ADHD} this is where my formula comes in.
Stop blaming yourself; prepare yourself for this simple concentration practice.
       Starting point. This exercise is best established early hours of the mornings and cool evenings, though the essence is to be conscious always- meaning you can do it anywhere anytime, in a taxi, bus, train, office, airplane.  but then you need to fix a separate time in the house when you get into it as a program. But please do not practice it when driving.
1.Sit comfortably on a chair or floor, chose a comfortable posture, you can rest your back on the chair if your back muscles are not yet strong or if you are having back pains, but the idea is to keep your back straight.

2. From here just fix your eyesight at tip of your nose. Make sure your focus is steadily at the tip of your nose.

3. Then stay in here and listen to your inhalation and exhalation.
This is just the practice but you just have to spend more time, morning and evening.
Stay here.
Keep watching your breath
Maintain your eyesight at the tip of your nose
Keep your back straight
Don't be tensed
4. Try not to struggle with your thoughts and mental plans on your head
Whenever your attention goes off, gently bring it back
Start by doing 10-20 minutes daily and increase each day to 40munutes in 7days
And maintain 40minutes for 40days
Don't do it when you are hungry and also don't do it when you are too full
Drink some water before and after

This practice is as simple as effective as time, I mean you need to give it your time, spend more time watching your breath as it comes and goes, and your eyesight just at the tip of your nose.
Now to benefit here you need a maximum of 40minutes morning and evening for 40 days on a roll.
It takes about 40 days to form a new habit. So practice just this for 40 days and see your willpower increase.
Your words will come to your grip, and you will naturally learn to stalk and listen more.
Blood pressure regulated and mind relaxed
Enhancement of self-confidence
Ability to withstand the pressures of life
Takes care of joint pains and arches
Alignment of spin and chakras
Enhancement of glands
Elimination of wrinkles and a boost of luster to the face
Speech enhancement and creative writing
Sound and relaxed sleep
Improved memory
Enhanced intuition
Enhanced vocal cords and better singing ability
And many more…hahaha.
I suggest you give it a try and take your mind off the benefits, for sure you will achieve much more than the above-listed benefits. Just prepare your mind for part 2.
The part is too wonderful and bravery.


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