Health in Your Chakras


      Chakras are vortexes or energy centres, also known as plexus. Chakra is Sanskrit terms while plexus refers to Latin terms, chakra or plexus means energy centres. There are seven major chakras. Although there are other several minor chakras.
   The seven major chakras are embedded in the spinal cord by yogic description, but mysteriously chakras cannot be found through surgical operation.
    The chakras have a link with the endocrine glands. The attributes of endocrine glands to the chakras are the common practical description of the chakras; some medical oriented Yogis sees the chakras as the endocrine glands.
     Chakra malfunctioning could also lead to endocrine problems that may affect hormone secretion. For example, if the pineal gland which is located in the roof of the third ventricle of the brain is negatively affected, then there will be an issue with the secretion of melatonin, which of course will affect the proper release of a certain hormone, medically known as gonadotrophin. Lack of this hormone by research could have a negative impact on the muscle mass, libido, and could also cause erectile dysfunction, and if proper care is not taken on time, it could also cause infertility.
         Now let's quickly go through the chakras starting from the base or root chakra.
                                1.ROOT CHAKRA {MULADHARA CHAKRA}
     The root chakra is the foundation upon which the entire human body system basically depends on, and it is located at the midpoint of the last vertebra of the spinal column, that's the coccyx base of the spinal cord.
     The root chakra is the foundation of the spinal cord and related to the earth element. It controls solid. It has a colour red.
        The root chakra is the chakra that is in charge of, reproduction, vitality, survival instincts, and the emotional desire to procreate through the reproductive glands, which is also sex glands and of course has control over sex energy; the ovaries in women and testes in men, and also secretes sex hormones, not just for sex performance but also to maintain our biological system.

       Our root chakra also determines our earthly relationship, how rooted we are in activities of life. from this Red energy centre, comes zeal, drive and enthusiasm to accomplish a difficult task.
The Root Chakra has four basic propensities.
1… Physical propensities.
2…psycho-spiritual propensity.
3…Psychic propensity.
4…Spiritual Propensity.
           All these four are the deep sources of feelings, depending on which way the chakra swings.  If the Chakra is balanced there will be balanced proportion in all these emotions. Emotions Emanate from the chakras.

                            2.  SACRAL CHAKRA-SWADHISTANA
     This is the second chakra which regulates liquid. From this chakra comes our desire for beauty and attraction. It also governs and cements our human relationships. This orange coloured energy centre is linked to the adrenal gland for the secretion of several hormones for the proper regulation of things like metabolism, cortisol and adrenaline to maintain our healthy physical appearance.

      The sacral chakra is linked or connected also to the kidneys, gall bladder, bowel, ovaries, prostate and the spleen. Yoga techniques, which makes healthy impacts on the sacral chakra, definitely energizes those glands and organs connected to this orange coloured chakra.

      This chakra is the second chakra located directly behind the root of the genital and it has orange colour as its main colour. When this chakra is balanced, ones' mode appears so lively. This orange colour chakra controls the immune system through the activation of the associated glands and organs.
   Chakras are energy storage centres. Energies are the life forces that sustain life, known as prana in Yoga terminology.
This orange colour chakra has six propensities
Superiority complex-belittlement of others
Lack of common Sense-Extremity
Excess graving and indulgence
Lack of self-confidence
Destructive thought waves
Don't forget all these are emotional feelings. Emotion means energy in action. This particular chakra appears to be on the negative emotional energy but that's when it swings off the track. All the chakras work in synergy to harmonize the entire psycho-chemical, psychophysical, psycho-spiritual and psycho-mental structure of our lives.


This is the third chakra located around the navel or the centre of the body, and this potent chakra is popularly known even by non-yogis. This is where we store more energy or prana. This chakra governs strength, will power, digestion, courage and self-confidence.
  This yellow colour chakra is linked with thymus gland which produces T-cells and so many white blood cells to fortify the immune system, needless to say, this chakra builds and fortifies the immune system when balanced.
   This energy-based chakra has a connection with the pancreas also in the secretion of insulin to regulate sugar, it is also connected to the Liver, bladder, intestines, upper spinal cord and the stomach.
  As the central part of the body it's also linked with the navel, with emotional feeling like shame, resentment and regret. If one empowers this particular chakra ones will-power will definitely increase to a point where one will become attractive energy to anything one desires in life.
    The Solar plexus has ten propensities
Shame & shyness
Sadistic tendency
10. Strong desire for acquisition

All the chakras work in synergy to promote overall wellbeing. The higher chakras, of course, regulate the lower ones, but the lower may not cooperate if they are locked and off balance.

                 Heart Chakra-Anahata

The Heart chakra as the name goes is located within the region of the heart, specifically at the centre of the chest, and connected to the heart, thymus gland and lungs. The heart chakra has colour green for physical and mostly emotional healing.

    This chakra regulates respiration because of its connection with the lungs, and that's why constant worries and feelings of disappointment could also cause shortness of breath and palpitation.
   The heart chakra which regulates the activities of the heart, if locked or swings off balance through negative emotional feelings, or lack of proper breathing, lack of rest, poor diet and inadequate night sleep, could cause serious heart problem.
      The Heart Chakra regulates blood circulation and immune system because it has a connection with the thymus gland to create t-cells to fortify the immune system.

     The heart is the border between the physical and the inner world. Biblically speaking, till your heart is like that of the children, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. Other chakras below are more physical while the ones above the heart chakra are spiritual.
This chakra governs love and forgivingness; so if one really wants liberation or freedom from earthly bondage, one must have a forgiving spirit and purity of the heart. According to the bible, "blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God".
   The negative impact of heart chakra causes grief, which also damages the heart. Worries, negative thoughts wave, and negative emotions such as anger, disappointment and depression, all create major damages to the heart chakra.

 The heart chakra is also linked to the nervous system, and that could also lead to stroke through long term grief. The heart chakra is a bank or storage energy centre for pure love, compassion and empathy.   Showing care to animals, plants, and mankind could also help positively to energize and balance the heart chakra.

The heart Chakra has twelve propensities
Mental worries
Discriminative faculty
Excessive argument
Acceptance and repentance
Mental confusion

                  Throat Chakra-Vishudhi
This particular chakra is also called the philosopher's chakra, located within the axis of the throat. It controls speech and communication. Those with speech defect should address this blueish chakra.
   It is also linked directly to the thyroid gland for weight management, iodine, body temperature, and metabolism. It engineers and triggers the production of estrogen and testosterone. This chakra is blue in colour and also regulates nervousness, listening ability and less talk.
  All chakras have positive and negative energies when this particular chakra goes off balance, one becomes talkative. This chakra regulates inner feelings of our own personality, integrity, honesty, and power of communication. The activation of this chakra transforms the public speaker into an orator with charisma. But when the throat chakra is off the track one will definitely struggle with speech or even have a sore throat. The propensities of this chakra can enhance singing ability. The throat chakra has sixteen different propensities.
Sound of a donkey
The sound of a goat
The sound of a dog
The sound of a bull or ox
The sound of a peacock
The sound of a deer
The sound of an elephant
The sound of the cuckoo
The acoustic sound of creation
Sound of awakening kundalini energy
Ability to be more practical than theoretical
Expression and proficiency in mundane knowledge
Nobler actions to humanity
Total love and surrender to Divinity
Pleasant expression
Repulsive expression

                  Third eye- Anja chakra
This chakra of wisdom and enlightenment is located between the two eyebrows. The third eye chakra has an indigo blue colour. This chakra regulates or governs the pituitary gland in the production of certain hormones to balance our biological system, although sometimes the pineal gland is also linked to the topmost chakra, the topmost chakra controls the chakras below. This 6th chakra is influenced more by deep constant meditation. Concentration practice at the tip of the nose could also activate and open up the 6th chakra with time.
  The Anja or third eye chakra has just two propensities.
Practical mundane knowledge
Spiritual knowledge

Crown Chakra-Shahasra

This is the topmost chakra that regulates all other chakras. Violet colure chakra located at the top of the crown. This crown chakra is directly linked to the brain and spinal cord, sending messages from the neurons of the brain through the periphery nervous system to all the nerves. This chakra promotes sharp memory and sensitivity of the body parts. It is the master chakra and linked to the pineal and pituitary gland. The crown chakra controls the hypothalamus glands, it secretes about eight different hormones to regulate other chakras and regulate how we react to pains.
The crown chakra has only one propensity and that's the about divinity and deeper understanding.

In summary, all the chakras are very important and need each other to promote proper balance and harmony.
There are key yoga programs specifically for each chakra. As we move on I will be dropping those poses, breathing, concentration and meditation technique to systematically work through the chakras.


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